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Verifiability Approach


Nahari, G., & Nisin, Z. (2019). Digging further into the Speech of Liars: Future Research Prospects in Verbal Lie Detection, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10:56.


Nahari, G. (2019). Verifiability approach: Applications in different judgmental settings. In T. Docan-Morgan (Ed.). The Handbook of Deceptive Communication (pp. 213 - 225). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.


Nahari, G. & Vrij, A. (2019). The Verifiability Approach: Advances, challenges and future prospects. In R. Bull, & I. Blandón-Gitlin (Eds.). Handbook of legal and investigative psychology (pp. 212-223). London: Routledge


Jupe, L.M., Vrij, A., Leal,S., & Nahari, G. (in press).  Fading lies: Applying the verifiability approach after a period of delay. Applied Cognitive Psychology.


Nahari, G. (2018). The applicability of the verifiability approach to the Real world. In J. P. Rosenfeld (Ed.), Detecting Concealed Information and Deception: Recent Developments (pp. 329 - 349). London: Elsevier


Harvey, A. C., Vrij, A., Sarikas, G., Leal, S., Jupe, L., & Nahari, G. (2018). Extending the Verifiability Approach framework: The effect of initial questioning. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 32, 787-804.


Harvey, A. C., Vrij, A., Nahari, G., & Ludwig, K. (2017). Applying the Verifiability Approach to insurance claims settings: Exploring the effect of the information protocol. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 22, 47 - 59.


Jupe, L. M., Leal, S; Vrij, A., & Nahari, G. (2017). Applying the Verifiability Approach in an International Airport Setting. Psychology, Crime and Law, 23, 812 - 825. 


Harvey, C. H., Vrij, A., Leal, S., Lafferty, M., Nahari, G. (2017). Insurance-Based Lie Detection: Enhancing the Verifiability Approach with a Model Statement Component. Acta Psychologica, 174, 1 - 8.


Vrij, A., & Nahari, G., Isitt, R., Leal, S. (2016). Using the verifiability lie detection approach in an insurance claim setting. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 13, 183 – 197. 


Jupe, L. M., Vrij, A., Nahari, G., Leal, S., & Mann, S. (2016). The lies we live: Using the Verifiability Approach to detect lying about occupation. Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis, 13, 1 – 13.


Nahari, G., & Vrij, A. (2015). Can someone fabricate verifiable details when planning in advance? It all depends on the crime scenario. Psychology, Crime and Law, 21, 987 - 999.  


Nahari, G., Vrij, A., Leal, S., Warmelink, L., & Vernham, Z. (2014). Did somebody see it? Applying the verifiability approach to insurance claims interviews, Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 11, 237 – 243.


Nahari, G., & Vrij, A. (2014). Can I Borrow Your Alibi? The Applicability of the Verifiability Approach to the Case of an Alibi Witness, Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 3, 89 - 94.


Nahari, G., Vrij, A., & Fisher, R. P. (2014). The verifiability approach: Countermeasures facilitate its ability to uncover lies. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 28, 122 - 128. 


Nahari, G., Vrij, A., & Fisher, R. P. (2014). Exploiting liars’ verbal strategies by examining the verifiability of details. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 19, 227 - 239.


Legal Decision Making


Nahari, G. (2017). Top-down processes in interpersonal reality monitoring (RM) assessments. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 23, 232 - 242.  


Nahari, G. (2016). When the long road is the shortcut: A comparison between two coding methods for content-based lie detection tools. Psychology, Crime and Law, 22, 1000-1014.


Nahari, G., & Vrij, A. (2015). Systematic errors (biases) in applying verbal lie detection tools: Richness in detail as a test case. Crime Psychology Review, 1, 98-107.


Nahari, G., Vrij, A. (2014). Are you as good as me at telling a story? Individual differences in interpersonal reality-monitoring. Psychology, Crime and Law, 20, 573 - 583. 


Nahari, G. & Ben-Shakhar, G. (2013).  Primacy effect in credibility judgments: The vulnerability of verbal cues to biased interpretations. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 27, 247-255.


Nahari, G. (2012). Individual differences between judges in credibility judgments of testimonies. In R. Peled-Laskov, E. Shoham, & M. Carmon (Eds), False convictions: Philosophical, organizational and psychological aspects (pp. 229-239). Tel-Aviv: Perlstein-Ginosar (Hebrew).


Nahari, G. (2012). Elaborations on credibility judgments by professional lie detectors and laypersons: strategies of judgment and justification. Psychology, Crime and Law, 18, 567-577.


Nahari, G., Glicksohn, J., & Nachson, I. (2010). Credibility judgments of narratives:  Language, plausibility and absorption. American Journal of Psychology, 123, 319–335.


Nahari, G. (2010). Credibility judgments: Biases which are inherent in the judge. Social Issues in Israel, 10, 6-27. (Hebrew). 


Nahari, G., Glicksohn, J., & Nachson, I. (2009). Do textual features affect credibility judgment? It all depends on who is the Judge. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23, 288-295.


Nahari, G. (2008). The role of perspective-taking in credibility judgments. In E. Avram (Ed.), Psychology in a positive world:  Resources for personal, organizational, and social development (pp. 77-86). Bucharest: University Press.


Lie Detection (General)


Nahari, G., Ashkenazi, T., Fisher, R.P., Granhag, P.A., Hershkovitz, I., Masip, J., Meijer, E., Nisin, Z., Sarid, N., Taylor, P.J, Verschuere, B., Vrij, A. (2019). “Language of Lies”: Urgent issues and prospects in verbal lie detection research. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 24, 1- 23. 


Vrij, M.L., Jupe, L.M, Leal, S. Vernham, Z., & Nahari, G. (in press). Analysing openly recorded pre-interview deliberations to detect deceit in collective interviews, Applied Cognitive Psychology.


Leal, S., Vrij, A., Vernham, Z., Dalton, G., Jupe, L.M., Nahari, G., Rozmann, N. (2019). Using the Model Statement to Elicit Verbal Differences between Truth tellers and Liars amongst Arab interviewees: A Partial Replication of Leal, Vrij, Deeb and Jupe (2018), Applied Cognitive Psychology, 33, 1008-1017.


Nahari, G. (2018). Reality Monitoring in the Forensic Context: Digging Deeper into the Speech of Liars. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 7, 432-440.


Jupe, L. M., Leal, S; Vrij, A., & Nahari, G. (2018). Are you for real? The use of unexpected process questions within the detection of identity deception. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 32, 622-634.


Leal, S., Vrij, A., Vernham, Z., Dalton, G., Jupe, L.M., Harvey, A., & Nahari, G. (in press). Cross-cultural verbal deception. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 23, 192-213. 


Kleinberg, B., Nahari, G., Arntz, A., & Verschuere, B. (in press). An investigation of the detectability of false intent about flying. Collabra: Psychology


Vrij, A., & Nahari, G. (2017). Verbal lie detection. In P. A. Granhag, R. Bull, A. Shaboltas, & E. Dozortseva (Eds.), Psychology and law in Europe: When West Meets East (pp. 263 - 282). London: CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group).    


Nahari, G. (2016). Advances in lie detection: limitations and potential for investigating allegations of abuse. In R. Burnett (Ed.), Wrongful Allegations of Sexual and Child Abuse (pp. 242 – 252). Oxford: Oxford University Press


Leal, S., Vrij, A., Nahari, G., Geven, L, & Mann, S. (2016). Please be Honest and Provide Evidence: Deterrents of Deception in an Online Insurance Fraud Context. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 30, 768 - 774.


Nahari, G., & Pazuelo, M. (2015). Telling a convincing story: Richness in detail as a function of gender and informatio . Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 4, 363 - 367.


Nahari, G., Vrij, A., & Fisher, R. P. (2012). Does the truth come out in the writing? SCAN as a lie detection tool. Law and Human Behavior, 36, 68-76.


Nahari, G. & Ben-Shakhar, G. (2011).  Psychophysiological and behavioral measures for detecting concealed information: The role of memory for crime details. Psychophysiology, 48, 733-875. 



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