Deception and Investigative Interviewing Research
Directed by Galit Nahari, PhD
Prof. Galit Nahari
Principal Investigator

Prof. Galit Nahari is the Dean of the Social Sciences Faculty at Bar-Ilan University, Israel, and the editor of Legal and Criminological Psychology. Her research spans over a variety of topics in deception, applied memory, investigative interviewing and decision-making. As part of it, she develops interrogation and lie-detection methods (a prime example is the Verifiability Approach), examines their validity and suitability in different contexts, and their vulnerability to judgmental biases. A major part of her research further focuses on the cognitive processes underlies credibility and veracity assessments, as well as on individual differences which impact these assessments. She places a high emphasis on ecological validity and relevancy to the “real world”; thus, she works closely with practitioners, promoting fruitful academia-field cooperation in high education, research and training. She advises, lectures and conducts research and training workshops on verbal lie detection nationally and internationally.
Verifiability Approach (VA)
Differing lies from truths by the verifiability of the content
The Reality of the Reality Monitoring (RM)
Theoretical and practical adjustments of RM for lie detection
2014 - 2018
funded by the Israel Science Foundation under grant agreement No 372/14
Differential Processes in Detecting Lies Among Police Officers and Laypersons
(2011 - 2013)
funded by the Israel Science Foundation under grant agreement No 59/11
Context Embedded Perception (CEP)
A new stem of the
Verifiability Approach
Language of Lies
The first verbal lie detection workshop
funded by the Israel Science Foundation under grant agreement No 1312/18
Developing a virtual interview training system for law enforcement units
(2015 - 2018)

LAW-TRAIN has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 653587.
Published Recently
Nisin, Z., Nahari, G, & Goldsmith, M. (2022). Lies divorced from context: evidence for Context Embedded Perception (CEP) as a feasible measure for deception detection. Psychology, Crime & Law. Doi:
Bogaard, G., Nußbaum, M., Schlaudt, L.S., Meijer, E.H., Nahari, G., & Vrij, A. (2022). A comparable truth baseline improves truth/lie detection. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 36, 1060-1071.
Nisin, Z., & Nahari, G. (2023). Applying Cognitive Science: From Research to Operational Manuals in Israel. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.